Meet Robbie Swensen
Robbie Swensen
MedicareCompareUSA Licensed Insurance Agent | Bellingham, Washington
E robbie.swensen@medicarecompareusa.com
I have always enjoyed working in the administrative area of Medicare, creating and maintaining relationships with providers through education and contracting. I have worked with MCUSA’s management team for years, going back to our previous days of working for an insurer. I have been with MCUSA since inception, initially with provider outreach, worked to create and train our local call center, and was involved in the creation of our MCUSA Ambassador Agent training program.
Then I decided I needed a 5-year plan to be able to ease towards retirement. After helping an agent out to by picking up an application, I had a wonderful experience talking with one of our Medicare members. I decided that I wanted try becoming an agent, never realizing that it would be my passion going forward. I truly find it gratifying to help people who are so confused about Medicare. Now I basically have two seasons: vacation and Medicare.
I became an agent in 2016. I started by working with our provider hospitals, conducting seminars and helping with annual compelling events such as health systems cancelling a Medicare Advantage contract. I have also reached out and built relationships with SHIBA volunteers. Most recently I gave a Medicare presentation at the Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation annual meeting. Once I saw I was last on the agenda at the end of the day, and the only non-doctor or therapist speaker, I fully expected the room to be empty by the time it was my turn to speak. The room was mostly full of already aged-in Medicare beneficiaries. To my surprise, these folks were hungry for this information. The feedback to the seminar is, “Finally, you included information on Medicare!”
Working for and with the folks at MedicareCompareUSA does result in a lot of information exchange. There are several people I can reach out to when I have a problem, question or quirky situation. Even though I work out of my home office most of the time, I always feel that there is a team of colleagues I can reach out to and I always get a quick response. It’s a great feeling to be resources for each other.
If I were starting over today, I don’t think I would do a lot of things differently other than having more of an awareness to spread my business out among the companies I represent. Otherwise, we have an AEP like this coming one where you have to work very hard to maintain your book of business due to plan withdrawals.
When I am not working, I love to take off with my significant other and dog in my little trailer and wake up next to a beach somewhere, whether it be a river, lake or ocean. Winterizing and AEP go hand in hand. I wish everyone patience and success for this upcoming AEP season!!