Regence distributed the below correspondence to its agents today, June 30, 2021

We invite you to complete your 2022 Regence Medicare Advantage and Part D certification training by September 15, 2021.
To remain compliant with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) regulations, we require that producers are certified annually to sell Regence Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans.
In order to sell and receive commissions for 2022 Medicare Advantage and Part D products, you must recertify. It is also necessary to recertify in order to receive renewal commissions on existing Medicare Advantage and Part D business.
If you completed either the AHIP or NAHU Core, Compliance and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) certification training, you have the ability to upload your AHIP or NAHU certificate once you log into the Pinpoint training module. You also have the option of purchasing the Pinpoint Core training for $99.95 to satisfy the CMS Medicare compliance requirements.
If you certified through Pinpoint for 2021, you are already registered. To login, use your National Producer Number (NPN) as your username and your existing password.
CE Credits: If you complete the Core training through Pinpoint, you have the option to purchase Continuing Education (CE) credits after completing the final exam. CE credits are available for OR (8 health credits), ID (8 health credits) or UT (8 accident and health credits, to be completed within 90 days of taking the final exam). You would be responsible for the additional cost of $28. Please note CE purchase is OPTIONAL and is not available for the Regence/Asuris product specific training.
You must complete the certification training by September 15, 2021, to be prepared for AEP. We appreciate your continued partnership, and hope you have a great, successful AEP season!
For additional questions, please contact Regence Medicare Sales Producer Support by calling (800) 557-0555 M-F 8:30am – 5:00pm PT.