(OMAHA, NE – Dec. 17, 2020) — MedicareCompareUSA is excited to announce a new Omaha brokerage division located in Omaha, Nebraska.
The Omaha branch is managed by National Sales Director, Alex Sieler. Alex has been in the insurance brokerage space for nearly a decade and has vast experience in Medicare and Ancillary products. Alex is a key member of the executive team with a proven track record in the areas of agent recruitment, expanding carrier offerings, and development of innovative business solutions.
The Omaha office is responsible for recruiting new talent under MedicareCompareUSA across the nation and providing top-notch agent sales support. MedicareCompareUSA is poised and eager for additional expansion as our company has an exciting adventure of growth and opportunity in front of us.
For more information contact MedicareCompareUSA Agent Support during the hours of 8-5 Monday through Friday CST at 402-238-1768, email at seniorhealth@medicarecompareusa.com or visit the agent support website at www.medicarebrokerusa.com.
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