Looking for 2022 AHIP discounts and promotions?
Most of these 2022 AHIP discounts are offered through a link provided by various national carriers.
Contact your Marketer for a contract review today, and get ahead of your AHIP planning.
You can access the AHIP Medicare Training website at ahipmedicaretraining.com.

In order to sell Medicare Advantage and Part D (Prescription Drug) plans, you’ll need to receive your AHIP certification and submit that to the carriers you want to offer. The AHIP covers MA and PDP explanations, marketing and compliance guidelines, and laws on fraud in Medicare.
The AHIP costs $175 if you don’t utilize any discounts or offers (see many Carrier Discounts below!). The AHIP has 50 questions, and you have a maximum of 2 hours to complete it. Don’t sweat – it’s an open book test, and you have 3 tries to pass (90% or better).
This year, there are many AHIP discounts. By using one of these Carrier Links, you’ll be prompted to take the AHIP at the discounted rate of $125 if you first certify through the carrier’s special link. You’ll know it worked when you see the carrier’s logo at the top of the AHIP screen.
*Carriers may change links at any time, please verify the discount is applied, or search the carrier’s website for updated information.
AETNA: $50 DISCOUNT – login to your Aetna portal to view here
ANTHEM: $50 DISCOUNT – link here
and Anthem code: External-SelfReg