Why MedicareCompareUSA?

MedicareCompareUSA delivers an important and often missing link between healthcare providers and consumers by helping Medicare beneficiaries select a health plan that is accepted by their existing hospital and doctors.

MedicareCompareUSA dedicated toll-free helplines assist seniors in comparing Medicare Advantage, Medigap (Medicare Supplement), and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans and then facilitate enrollment in the plan selected.

MedicareCompareUSA serves as a vital resource for healthcare providers and their patients when there is a Medicare Advantage contract termination or market withdrawal. We help providers to retain patients, and we assist patients with finding replacement coverage that protects continuity-of-care with trusted providers.

MedicareCompareUSA has a strong presence in 46 states and growing!

Many of the nation’s leading hospitals and health systems are clients of MedicareCompareUSA. See a directory of our Medicare Insurance Helplines at medicarecompareusa.com/medicare-helplines.

MedicareCompareUSA is not owned or managed by any Medicare insurance company and thus can serve as a trusted Medicare insurance advocate that consumers turn to with confidence.

MedicareCompareUSA’s unique mapping capability, offered free of charge, allows providers and agents nationwide to see the Medicare Advantage penetration in their local market.

The services of MedicareCompareUSA are always provided free of charge to seniors, without obligation.

MedicareCompareUSA is the trusted Medicare insurance resource for health systems caring for more than 6 million Medicare beneficiaries.

With its strong foundation and impressive track record, an increasing number of hospitals and doctors are turning to MedicareCompareUSA as an indispensable part of a proactive patient-communication and population-management strategy.